Friday, June 22, 2007

Gettin' in the Groove

I have officially finished my first week back on the OB unit. I must say, other than the debilitating tiredness I feel pretty good about life at this moment.

After working Sunday night I saw a patient I had checked in Wal Mart (imagine that) and she waved and waved at me. And when I got to work last night one of the nurses kept saying how my patient from that morning and her family kept bragging on me. This was an element of my life that was missing and I'm glad to have it back.

It's going to take me a little time to get back into the swing since I have been sitting on the proverbial bench for 3 1/2 years now, but I don't think it's going to take me as long as I originally thought. I already feel comfortable like I have been bound but now I am loosed.

I haven't heard from my other little nurse, so I'm thinking all must be well in the CHF/Renal world. I'm excited to hear her stories and experiences from life in the trenches. I know she is picking it all up quick!

Cyndi left today, and I must say I felt very mournful and cried a lot *don't tell her that, OK?* She has gone back to her life and I should be glad since that means Dad and Mom are well enough to leave, but she stayed too long and I became accustomed to her presence. There is just something about knowing my brother or sister are right here that is so wonderful. And I am like Tim, except I think they all just need to move here so we can be together. Hey, we'd already have a congregation with all of us!!!

I am anticipating life taking a more predictable course and I will be glad to fit again instead of feeling like a square peg trying to fit the round holes in my life. I love you all so much...


Pastor Merritt said...

Let me know what you need... I am going to be working on my Schedule for the remainder of the year... Bro. King has asked me to finish out the year in Calgary with Harvest Weekends... Love you...JTM

Pastor Merritt said...

Let me have an idea about, Ethan Hunter coming out here...I am working on dates this week...