Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ready to Make Plans

Ethan finally had a chance to talk with Pastor today(er, um yesterday now I guess). He was very encouraged and said Pastor helped him a great deal and confirmed some things in him. So he is ready to get to his Uncle Tim.

Let me know some dates. I talked to Bobby and we can probably fly him out to you and then Bobby can see his retailers in Mississippi and swing over and pick him up. He will start school again on August 10th.

We have been having good church. A young man by the name of Bro. Kelly Holland has been here. And as I am typing this it just hit me who he is. I think this young man is the one whose father has the church in Glennville, GA. Is that right, Cyndi?

Anyway, what awesome services. We are getting very excited about the prospect of a building here. I think Bro. Wood is going to talk to Pastor and see about doing an offering for the chairs. We are going to buy a keyboard for the church, but in the meantime, I will probably bring mine over there and leave it to keep from hauling it back and forth.

I love you all. I will keep you posted. Give me an idea of dates and you guys let me know about Thanksgiving so I can find a place to book. Have a blessed day.


Pastor Merritt said...

All set?

D'Ann said...

Can't wait for you to come, Ethan!!!